We are one of the seven public National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) under the policy guidance and co-ordination of the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) which was established under the National Agriculture Research Act of 2005. NaFIRRI headquarters are located along plots 39-45, Nile Crescent & Plots 28-32, Oboja road in Jinja opposite the wagon ferry terminal while the Aquaculture Research and Development Centre is located at Kajjansi, 12km along Kampala-Entebbe Highway.
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To conduct basic and applied research of national and strategic importance in Aquaculture, Capture fisheries, Water environment, Socio-economics and Marketing, and Information Communication Management, and emerging issues in the fisheries sector.
A Centre of Excellence in Fisheries Innovations and Impact Creation in collaboration with SMART partnerships.
To generate the knowledge base, develop and disseminate fisheries technologies for increased but sustainable fish production, conservation of the fisheries genetic resources, water quality and fish habitat, and to develop and manage the fisheries and required linkages with stakeholders.
To enhance the contribution of fisheries research to increased and sustainable fish production, economic growth, food security and poverty eradication through generation and dissemination of appropriate technologies, knowledge and information.
Research is conducted through four programs, Capture Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation with Dr. Samuel Bassa as program leader, Fish Habitat Management with Dr. William Okello as program leader, Fish Bio-science and Aquaculture with Dr. Victoria Namulawa as acting program leader and Innovations and Post- harvest fisheries with Dr. Getrude Atukunda as program leader
Having decision-making systems and knowledge to help people involved in fisheries adapt to climate change is essential for livelihoods and food security in many countries of the Global South. Yet, there are limited examples of decision-making and information generation systems having the capacity to enable adaptation to climate change, and for that adaptation to be done in a way that is fair to all and improves biodiversity and ecosystems.Details
The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute is consolidating data from different research efforts throughout Uganda's freshwater ecosystems on fish, invertebrates, and algae, into a publicly accessible data portal. When completed, the Ugandan government, NGOs, researchers, journalists, and developers can use the data to help develop, monitor and achieve Uganda's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and better understand Uganda's freshwater biodiversity.Details
to implement a monitoring program and conduct Additional Conservation Actions (ACAs) to contribute towards Net Gain for Critical Habitat- qualifying biodiversity and to mitigate and manage potential biodiversity impacts during the on-going operational phase of the BHPP.Details
The goal of this project is to increase capacity for conservation of threatened fish species through data mobilization and training. Details
The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) has developed a Strategic Action Programme for regional development in the Nile Equatorial Lakes basin. One of the projects is the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) under which the Lakes Edward and Albert Fisheries (LEAF) Pilot Project is embedded. The LEAF pilot project is designed to generate the relevant technical information necessary for sound fisheries management. Details
The overall goal is to evaluate the ecological status of Murchison Bay, Napoleon Gulf and Katosi ecosystems and the trends in the evolution of their status over the next years; to implement long term monitoring programs on these resources; to evaluate the pressures acting on them and how these pressures have impacted on the water quality and to prepare actions for their protection and/or their restoration. Details
Lake Nyaguo is one of the satellite lakes of Lake Kyoga basin homing threatened native and endemic fishes which have disappeared or become extinct from major lakes like Victoria and Kyoga. Details
This project aims to provide an inventory of algae species that can be used in reduction of pollution into Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria's integrity as a source of fish and water for drinking to the ever growing population is challenged by pollution from industries and other human activities. Details
Micronutrient deficiencies are widespread in Uganda, particularly among vulnerable groups (women of reproductive age and children <5 years), in rural and urban poor communities. Due to their high nutritional density and nutrient bioavailability, fish and nutrient-rich fish-based foods can contribute to reducing micronutrient deficiencies. Details
In most African nations, the Sub–Saharan Africa in particular, population growth rate is >3% per year (PRB, 2014). As a result, Africa has the lowest worldwide per capita consumption of animal-sourced protein and the second lowest supply of fish per capita. Details
At NaFIRRI employment is founded on sustainable work environment founded on dignity and respect for all employees; cultivating the full potential of all employees; encouraging individual pursuit of work/life balance; mentoring great scientists and other proffesionals at all levels, who excel at research work; appreciating and recognizing the contributions of people who work with us; establishing and communicating standards for ethical behavior and integrity; getting involved in community endeavors and public policy and lastly we are an equal opportunity employer
NaFIRRI has a vibrant Internship program in which it proactively attracts, identifies and engages talent early to mold them into young scientists and other professionals. NaFIRRI has strategic partnerships with different education institutions both medium and higher. In conclusion, undergraduates seeking meaningful internships are always welcome, they will receive guidance and support in their career growth. NaFIRRI recognizes that a great deal can be achieved for both students and NaFIRRI if the internship is positively carried out from start.
NaFIRRI has a strong mentoring and volunteering program given that the Institute has very experienced staff that has been out working for some time. NaFIRRI realizes mentoring and volunteering helps young people to grow and learn more, raise their self-esteem and helps them have better attitude towards work.
The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) is one of the Public Agricultural Research Institute established by the National Agricultural Research Act 2005. The Institute is mandated to undertake Research of national and strategic importance in Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture under the policy guidance of National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans for the following vacant positions: .
Positions: Hostel In-charge Hostel Cleaner Security Guard .
Number of positions: four (3) are available.
Duty station: NaFIRRI, Jinja
Application deadline : 4th September, 2020.
We considers human resources as the most important assets of an organization. We havetwo catergories of personnel, the scietist and administrative support staff. Among the scietist we have research officer and technicians. Details
In the globalized society we live in, local and international collaboration is inevitable, it bridges the gap of specialised personnel that may not be readily available in the institute.
List of collaborators
1. Jackson Efitre Details
2.Prof. Dr. Ole Seehausen Details
3. Tumi Tommason.Details
4. Jeppe Kolding. Details
Elizabeth Nyboer is a Canadian freshwater ecologist interested in tropical inland fisheries and the livelihoods they support. Her research with NaFIRRI focuses on the social and ecological consequences of climate change on the fisheries of the Lake Victoria basin. She completed her PhD studies at McGill University and now she is a post-doctoral researcher at Carleton University. Some of her finding are in the literature below.
Personal website: https://elizabethnyboer.weebly.com/
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=8gAvX3kAAAAJ&hl=en
He was a Principal Research Scientist at NaFIRRI and an honorary lecturer at Makerere University. He has over 30 years of research and administrative experience in fisheries and aquatic ecosystem research. He has initiated, supervised and coordinated at least ten donor projects, published over 50 papers in refereed journals, supervised at least ten graduate students, and undertaken over 25 consultancies.And still collaborates with NaFIRRI to work on different projects
Email: ogutuohwayo@yahoo.com
Upcoming conference : 44th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries And Information Centers(IAMSCIC).
Theme:Transforming the Global Information Landscape.
Date:21-25 October 2018.
Details: http://www.iamslic.org/:
Mesocosm Experimentations : WaSAf project will perform in-situ mesocosm experimentations on the factors causing the dynamics of cyanobacterial and cyanotoxins in northern Lake Victoria, Uganda.
Date: 4-20 July 2018.
Location: Jinja - Napoleon Gulf and Kampala (Gaba) - Murchison Bay, Uganda.
Interested students should contact the Uganda project coordinator Dr. William Okello via wiokello@yahoo.com :
1. Pollution in Northern Lake Victoria (Uganda) and it suggested mitigation.
2. Equipping fishers with adaptations to cope with impacts of climate variability and change.
1. NaFIRRI Director's presentation to AU IBAR team that visited on 20th September 2018
2.Technical Advice on Sand mining
3.Socio-economic and sustainability consequences of the decline of large fish species in the Ugandan lakes
4.Socio-ecological suitability for fish production in small water bodies in South Western Uganda, East Africa .
PESCA was a regional project developing a decision support tool (DST) and best management practices (BMPs) to guide improvement of policies to increase fish production through cage aquaculture with negligible impacts on the water environment of the African Great Lakes (AGLs) and promoting use of those practices through adaptive research . The project was implemented in the Ugandan, Kenyan and Tanzanian parts of Lake Victoria, Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake Kivu, and the Malawian and Mozambican parts of Lake Malawi/Nyasa/ Niassa. Details
Close to 95% of light currently used on most lakes to attract and concentrate Mukene is from pressure lamps powered by kerosene. However in 2006 industrial fishing rigs from Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe were introduced by Arrow Aquaculture Africa (AAA) firm operating at Kiyindi landing site in Buikwe district. The fishing rigs use light from electric bulbs supplied by a generator to attract and concentrate fish. Details
Climate variability and change is increasing and affecting productivity of natural resources including fisheries and fishery livelihoods. details
Status of the Lake Albert commercial fisheries and management implications
Status of commercial fisheries on lakes Edward, George and the Kazinga Channel (Uganda)
1: 1st October 2018: The International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) will host its 44th annual conference in Uganda from the 21st to the 26th October 2018 at Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel Entebbe. Download for details
2: 1st October 2018: The Lakes Edward and Albert Integrated Fisheries and Water Resources Management (LEAF II) is a multinational 5 year Project implemented between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Download for details
3: 20th September 2018: The AU IBAR verification team led by Dr.Modibi Troare is visiting the National Fisheries resources Research Insititute, the story is in offing. Download for details
4: 19th September 2018: Staff at the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) is being trained on how to capture, share and utilize data through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility –GBIF.Download for details
Regional Eastern and Central Africa Agricultural Transformation Project-ECAAT PI62416
Environmental and socilalmanagement Framework-ESMF,Pest Management Plan and Climate Change Risk Analysis And GHG
Download Full Proposal From here
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The Director, National Fisheries Resources research Institute (NaFIRRI)
P.O Box 343 Jinja
Telephone: +256 434 121369 / +256 434 120484
Fax: +256 434 120 192
Emails: director@firi.go.ug,
Website/URL: www.firi.go.ug
Physical location: Nile Crescent,
Plot 39/45, Jinja
Opposite the wagon ferry terminal
Below: Google direction to NaFIRRI Jinja (Home of Capture Fisheries Research)
Below: Google direction to NaFIRRI Kajjansi (Home of Aquaculture Research)
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